Audit Panel

Council established an Audit Panel in 2014 in order to conduct frequent reviews of Council’s policies, processes and systems and ensure good governance and financial management.

The Panel is appointed by Council and consists of five members, including three independent members and two Councillors (other than the Mayor). Council also appoints one independent member as the Chairperson and one independent member as the Deputy Chairperson.

A member of the Panel will hold office for a period of not less than one year and not more than four years. Panel members may be reappointed by Council.

The members are:

  • Ric De Santi (Chairperson)
  • David Strong
  • Heather Salisbury
  • Councillor Melinda Reed
  • Councillor Beth Nichols

The Audit Panel is governed by a charter. View the charter here – Sorell Council Audit Panel Charter February 2021