Dunalley Community Hall

Council undertook consultation last year to seek the views of the Dunalley community on the future management model of the Dunalley Community Hall. The two main options being considered were Council Managed or Community Managed. We sought to better understand the community’s vision for the Hall and what their preferred model looked like. 

A community workshop was held and a survey undertaken. We heard from the community that there was strong support for a community group to manage the Hall.

We then undertook an Expression of Interest process seeking a community group to manage the Hall with the aim of achieving optimum use and maximising community benefit.

A community group now named Dunalley Community Hall Inc was the successful group and we have entered into a lease agreement with them to manage the Hall for an initial one year period with an option to renew for a further year.

Moving forwards from 1 July 2024 all enquiries for bookings etc need to be made directly to Dunalley Community Hall Inc. They can be contacted on: dunalleycommunityhall@gmail.com.

We look forward to the Community Hall continuing to be the home and heart of the wider Dunalley community!